Thursday, April 8, 2010

My looney bun is fine Benny Lava

Benny Lava...(WITH LYRICS) Halarious

This video is fantastic, a truly brilliant piece of music and video and funny

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Strange Days Are These

Strange days are these Mr. Watson said as he ate a spoonful of peas.
Tis a strange occurence for man to come up withsuch brilliance to place a cat upon his hat.
"A cat upon his hat?"
"Why yes, a cat upon his hat"
It is the new fad in baghdad.

A day in the life

I awoke promptly at 10:35 am, I walked out into the morning sun to great my adoring fans. Needless to say my neighbors weren't too thrilled. I then went for a brisk jog that later turned into a race with Usain bolt and a cheetah. After doing away with both in the race I was confronted by a platypus. The platypus wanted to trade me his bag lunch for my succulent plums but i said "no, these are my plums." Then as i was walking away a bus exploded in a busy intersection and I realized it was my nemesis Dr. quack. Dr. Quack stood with his web feet a top the building with a sly look on his bill. I said, "You there Dr. quack come down here and fight me man to duck." He obliged and my kung-fu moves were too much for his much rusty fighting sty and i slew him and ate his entrails on my tummy, for I am an otter and that is what I do.